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operation log中文是什么意思

用"operation log"造句"operation log"怎么读"operation log" in a sentence


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  • The information security administration code of internet service business site - part 8 : code of operation of system operation log
  • The database provides not only historic operation logs and original characteristic parameters of the cefr ' s equipment , but also curves of equipment fault analysis and equipment reliability parameters
  • The generalization system monitors user ' s operation and records user ' s action information to operation log library using agent techniques . computers can also judge the users whether they are operating correct or wrong basing on log library
  • Can not satisfy the demand of real - name - registering of users and the uniform conservation of operation logs and the demand of internet safety and information safety , not convenient for searching , calculating work . 3 . cannot effectively monitor the collected fee from students and thus can not satisfy the demand of standardization of financial management
    学校的机房较多,由不同的系部分别管理使用,主要存在以下问题: 1 、各系部都有一套自已的机房管理办法,不尽规范,不方便学生使用; 2 、无法对上机的用户进行统一的实名登记,无法将上机日志统一保存,不方便查询、统计,不能满足网络安全、信息安全的要求; 3 、不能对学生自费上机的费用进行统一管理,不能满足学校财务制度规范化的要求。
  • Firstly , strategy for safe operation management system is proposed on the basis of operation log . the range of mis in power system has been extended based on operation log of the control . an interface with monitoring and control system is develop , by which information in real - time databased can be read . the system and data structures are presented . and the function and relationships between modules are explained . then the design and implementations of some critical subsystems are discussed in detail
  • Cefr equipment reliability database is used mostly in following ways : providing equipment reliability parameters through equipment operation log and maintenance records analysis for cefr ' s pra and on - line risk monitor system . providing fault causes of related equipment through the equipment fault records and reason analysis in order to control spare parts macroscopically and adopt necessary improvement . providing curves of equipment fault characteristic through historical records of equipment fault for preventive maintenance
    Erd将是cefr的重要信息系统,它不仅可以提供设备原始特性参数,而且可以提供设备失效趋势分析曲线, erd的主要用途如下: ?通过对设备运行记录和维修记录的分析给出设备可靠性参数,用于cefr的pra分析及风险管理系统; ?通过对设备失效记录及原因分析给出相关设备失效的根本原因,以便从宏观上控制备品备件或采取必要的改造; ?通过对设备失效历史记录的分析给出设备失效的特性曲线,提供预防性维修所需信息; ?另外erd在大修优化、 rcm 、定期试验以及维修政策方面有重要的指导意义。
用"operation log"造句  
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